Sunday, November 2, 2008

President's 8 Members to the Parliament

"Am i Hearing right"

This was the first thoughts which popped in to my mind when i heard Mr. Zaki discuss about the President's present 8 parliament members future. What really stopped me in my tracks is when i did not hear him say that there will not be that amount of members appointed by the new president, Anni. I clearly remember that MDP had always critisized the huge number of president appointees to the parliament and had always been in support of reducing that number to half or even less.
Now i ask myself, is this the beginning of lies which will be the highlight of this government too. Then i tell myself not to jump in to conclusions on speculations especially in this transitional period.

What i will do is wait and see what happens and hope for a indigenous answer which does not hinder our expectations.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Smell of Freedom

I had always been in favour of a better tomorrow and always critisized the opposition for the things which they did which in turn had adverse effects on our economy.
I always believed in correcting the opposition than blaming the present government which had its share of 30 years. I felt that it was baseless to talk of the corrupt regime among people who are supporting the opposition and focus the talks for those who did not see any flaws in what they had been doing for the past 3 decades.

I always felt that one should not go haywire with achieving something. God has given everyone a brain and one should use it to distinguish every bit of information they recieve rather than forwarding it to someone else as soon as you recieve it. Laws are their to be enforced and to be obeyed. The problem starts when the laws are not enforced properly and in turn the obeydience level decreses tremendously.
Laws are for everyone and some people are considered above the law thats when the real problem arise.

With the MDP Ihthihaad taking up the huge responsibility for cleaning the mess which had piled up especially in the past 5 years one should wonder and know the targets forwarded by each and every party in the Ihthihad. People voted for 3 major manifesto's so one needs to highlight the major development concerns in each of the manifesto's and work towards a collective effort in order to make the people beleive that the vote they gave was the right one.
One should work towards that collective win achieved by the 28th vote. Any misunderstandings should be handled collectively keeping in mind the peoples trust put in order to make their daily lives a better one for themselves and their children.

So let us watch and take what ever action that needs to be taken in order to proudly say to our children and grand children that this is what we had voted for and see that they are thankfull for that one vote we had cast for CHANGE.

End of an Era of Corrupt Politicians

As the elections comes to a close and a new pack of politicians are formed one must look back at the current regime politicians and their days of power and think about their future and their families delimma when it comes to living their daily life with not much of an umbrella sheilding their heads as it had been all those years which had passed by.

The heat will surely be much more intense with every step they walk on the streets from 11th November 2008. i am not saying that the opposition who won will make their lives miserable but the guilt itself they feel themselves will not only bow their heads in dismay but will surely come crushing down on their lives each and every day.

My question is should we feel any bit of a sympathy towards them or Not?

In my opinion sympathy need to shown only where it is deserved. So does any situation which they were in deserve the sympathy??. i guess that comes to a 95% NO and a mere 05% YES.

So i let the readers to decide on thier fates and decide on the course of action.

Your Thoughts